Curiouser and Curiouser | Set Extension Project

Last semester in college, I studied Previz and Comp, and I very much enjoyed it! I don't know quite why I waited so long to share this - I'm delighted with how it turned out! Set extension is an interesting project to undertake; much more common than I ever imagined in the film and TV shows you see every day, and an incredibly satisfying result when it works well. One of my favourite things about this project in particular was being able to combine so much of my own personality and my own adventures into one little scene! I used photographs I had taken from a few of holidays and day trips I've been on, went on a few new shoots, and I even included myself in the scene - all wrapped up in a fantasy, Alice in Wonderland (my namesake, which I absolutely take after!) theme. Can anyone recognize any of the places that feature here?

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Zippo Advert - Update 03

Click to play! This project has been a long time coming (you can read about Update 01 and Update 02, if you like), but I'm finally sharing the final render. It was something of an experiment, which meant it came and went with a whole bunch of challenges, but I did have a lot of fun with it! 

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