Sketch / Balinese Statue

Thinking about Balinese Temple Statues.

I got my first Covid vaccine today, and I’m feeling very grateful for it. There’s still a long way to go in this pandemic, but the vaccine rollout gives me some hope that everything will eventually settle down.

And while international travel still seems like an impossible dream for the forseeable future, I’m thankful for the memories I have from trips back in the Before Times. Like these very cool statues in Bali. (This drawing is based on one I came across at Batuan Temple in Kabupaten Gianyar.) I can’t wait to experience different cultures, explore new places, see new art and architecture, and meet new people, at some point in the (hopefully not-too-distant!) future! <3

Ps: Take a look below if you’re curious to see my process on this one. The leap from Step 3 to Step 4 is giving me strong “draw the rest of the owl” vibes, but such is life! XD


Illustration / Paper Frog in Ballpoint Pen


Illustration / Heartburn and Brainfreeze