Comic Lettering / Ocean City and Jumpsuit Johnson

Sometimes, I'm a lettering artist.

For the past while, I've been part of the team @rogue_comics_ir , working with Colm Griffin ( @artofcolmgriffin ) on the Ocean City series, and upcoming book, Jumpsuit Johnson. Gill ( @gillzebub ) has been a wonderful editor along the way too!

I love working with text and images, so comic lettering is always a pleasure. These are some of my favourite panels; bringing SFX to life on the page and making it feel part of the scene is so satisfying! 😊 All artwork is Colm's.

The first issue of Ocean City is available for free today on, so if you're looking to #SqueezeInARead for #IrelandReads Day (25 Feb!), feel free to go take a look! Either way; happy reading day! 😄


Ballpoint Illustration / Paper Penguin


Digital Illustration / Bubbles Sweetshop