WIP | Kinetic Text | God's Away on Business
Every now and then, I'm also going to post a few works in progress. This one is a college assignment for my Video I module, which I'm going to be working on for the next ten weeks or so. It's a kinetic text project based on the song,
"God's Away on Business" by Tom Waits
. From the suggested list, I chose this one because a) I like the song, b) it has a good, solid beat, c) it stood out to me as interesting and quirky as soon as I heard it, and d) I liked the visual imagery in it.
So, here's my very, very basic/rough plan of the lyrics (remember to click to enlarge)
And with added notes on camera moves and transitions:
From there, I moved on to pulling style sheets together:
And I have just about started to work on a few very quick test shots, just to get a further idea of what I want some of these shots to look like. I want to make changes to the ones I've done already, but the ideas are there. Sort of. :)